
MadComponents with RobotLegs: FlickrGallery

  1. Introduction
  2. Modifying the architecture of existing Flex Robotlegs-based FlickrGallery
  3. Implementing UI interfaces with MadComponents
    1. Pros and cons of "static" and "extension" techniques to extending MadComponents
    2. Typed model and UIList's custom renderer
    3. You cannot access children views in Mediator.onRegister()
  4. Instead of conclusions
    1. Compile and try
    2. I was lazy
    3. Thoughts
    4. Summing up


During last days I was playing with amazing AS3 library "MadComponents" - lightweight open-source UI framework for Flash. This library is maintained by Daniel Freeman and he claims that "MadComponents" targets mobile apps via Adobe AIR. And I could say that the library proves that point: it's fast and provides ready-to-use components, which fit to mobile UI, out of the box. One of the great features is a declarative UI markup: just feed framework with correct XML and it produces components' tree that automatically layouts depending on device screen dimensions.
protected const LAYOUT: XML =
 <horizontal alignH="right">
  <input id="searchTermInput" width="150" />
  <button id="submitSearchButton">search</button>
I've created prototype for my commercial project very quickly utilizing MadComponents. Since prototype phase had satisfied my needs I've decided to introduce the library with my favourite ActionScript MVC framework RobotLegs.

Modifying the architecture of existing Flex Robotlegs-based FlickrGallery

In this article I will share with you my experience of replacing Flex controls with corresponding MadCompontets in Joel Hooks' robotlegs-examples-FlickrGalleryNoMeta. You can read more about "nometa" approach of using RobotLegs in the Joel's "Do we really need THAT much metadata in AS3? Not with Robotlegs…". 

Note! This example app is designed for desktop, not mobile, hence that it's just general purpose article, not mobile tutorial for MadComponents and Robotlegs.

First of all let's describe structure of original FlickrGalleyNoMeta to decide what exactly should be reimplemented with MadComponents.

Scheme 1

In the Scheme [1] there are shown package diagram of the app. At the top of root package we have two classes: ImageGalleryContext and RobotLegsFlickrGallery ("context view" - in the terms of RobotLegs). With green background I've marked classes that are Flex-based: context view and UI components. But as we see, "mediators" depends on Flex components. So first of all, let's create abstract interfaces which expose contract for interaction with UI: new package "api" inside "components". Then move Flex based components to "flex" subpackage and create "mad" package for MadComponents UI. Also I need to have new Mad-based main view and context (which maps mediators to Mad-components).

Scheme 2

I've extracted base context class BaseImageGalleryContext and derived two new ones for Flex and Mad. Now our application structure is agnostic to concrete UI library. If we want to compile Flex version just pick MadRobotlegsFlickrGallery as swf main class, for MadComponents version - MadRobotlegsFlickrGallery. And this is real power of MVC - easy replacing of layers implementation: so mediators depends only on UI interfaces.

Here how I map mediators to mad components. 
import org.robotlegs.demos.imagegallery.views.components.mad.*;
import org.robotlegs.demos.imagegallery.views.components.api.*;

// ... more code ...

override public function startup():void
 //map view
 mediatorMap.mapView(GalleryView, GalleryViewMediator, IGalleryView);
 mediatorMap.mapView(GallerySearch, GallerySearchMediator, IGallerySearch);
 mediatorMap.mapView(GalleryLabel, GalleryLabelMediator, IGalleryLabel);

// ... more code ...
The third parameter of mapView specifies the type that mediator depends on. For example, GalleryViewMediator depends on IGalleryView type. The injector will automatically pass the view into constructor.
public class GalleryViewMediator extends Mediator
 private var view:IGalleryView;

 public function GalleryViewMediator(galleryView:IGalleryView)
  view = galleryView;

 // ... more code ...

Implementing UI interfaces with MadComponents

Ok, application backbone is constructed correctly, but it misses the main part - actual Mad UI! So lets implement root view and view interfaces: IGalleryLabel, IGallerySearch, IGalleryView.

General layout consists of header, search prompt and gallery view:
protected const LAYOUT:XML =
 <vertical xmlns:mad="org.robotlegs.demos.imagegallery.views.mad"
  gapV="0" gapH="0" paddingV="0" border="false">
  <mad:GalleryHeader />
  <mad:GallerySearch id="search" />
  <mad:GalleryView id="gallery" />
To split layout into seperate files, I've utilized the "UI.extend() Technique", where custom container componet derives from UIPanel (class from ExtendedMadnessLib). In order to recognize new components by framework, we should put "XML tag name to Class" mapping before whole UI creation:
private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
  ["GalleryHeader", "GallerySearch", "GalleryView", "GalleryLabel"],
  [GalleryHeader, GallerySearch, GalleryView, GalleryLabel]);
 UIe.create(this, LAYOUT);
Let's look closer at the simplest component GalleryHeader. There is no surprising thing in it, except the pattern, which I use for every custom container component. The class' constructor takes same range of parametres as parent class and passes all given arguments into parent's constructor, except xml parameter. Instead of external XML, I pass internal LAYOUT constant.
package org.robotlegs.demos.imagegallery.views.components.mad 
 import com.danielfreeman.extendedMadness.UIPanel;
 import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.Attributes;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
  * @author Bohdan Makohin
 public class GalleryHeader extends UIPanel
  protected const LAYOUT: XML =
    <label id="headerLabel"><font size="24">
     <b>Robotlegs: Image Gallery Demo</b>
  public function GalleryHeader(screen:Sprite, xml:XML, attributes:Attributes=null, row:Boolean=false, inGroup:Boolean=false) 
   super(screen, LAYOUT, attributes, row, inGroup);

Described approach allows to reuse such components and encapsulates implementation details in contrast to Michael Martinez' practice, where separate class hosts publicly accessed static variable with XML. Let's define pros and cons of both methods (for ease of explanation I will call Martinez' technique "static" and mine - "extension").

Pros and cons of "static" and "extension" techniques to extending MadComponents

MadComponents framework has strong documentation on how to compose single layout for whole application, where XML tree is constructed at static time. And "static" technique utilized same scheme:
protected static const NAVIGATION:XML = 
 <navigation id="nav" colour="#C100000" title="Home">

Here Page0 and Page1 are custom component classes. This doesn't broke the mentioned principle of static XML markup.

On the other hand with "extension" technique we don't have single XML markup for whole application, but many separate XML trees for each custom container component. This approach hides the internals of our component, and therefore reduces tight coherence, which is important characteristic for most software.

With "static" technique the parent control is responsible for initialization of custom control:
// Create the main UI or "Landing Page"
UI.create(this, NAVIGATION);

// Initialize "views"
So whenever we want to use such control, it is necessary to reference it at least twice: in XML markup and initialization code. Such approach could enforce mistakes, when we want to replace Page1 with, for example, Page3 - remember to change code in two places.

Strictly speaking, "static" approach is just procedural wrapper on XML - we don't actually do OOP, but have bunch of static methods within class declaration. We could not benefit from instantiating such controls, because everything is located in static context. Hence that is not easy to integrate with MVC - we should manually instantiate and dispose mediators (Robotlegs), or create dummy Sprite object to be adapter between mediators and custom Mad components.

The "extension" method gives us possibility to use protected methods and fields of UIPanel (or UIForm); we could override some methods for our needs. But one of the main benefits is that we do OOP - so it's easy to integrated with MVC, create as many instances of component as we need. Our custom control is self-contained building block (the question is: do you need it to such?).

Typed model and UIList's custom renderer

Bad news: by default you cannot bind properties of user-defined class within UIList custom renderer. List recognizes only dynamically added properties, not class-defined. So if you've defined some properties in your model class and list renderer references them - it will no be bound. The reason of such behavior is that implementation of of UIList uses "for..in" to iterate through model.
public class GalleryImage
 protected var _URL:String;
 protected var _thumbURL:String;
 protected var _selected:Boolean;

 public static const EMPTY: GalleryImage = new GalleryImage();
 public function get selected():Boolean
  return _selected;

 public function set selected(v:Boolean):void
  _selected = v;

 public function get thumbURL():String
  return _thumbURL;

 public function set thumbURL(v:String):void
  _thumbURL = v;

 public function get URL():String
  return _URL;

 public function set URL(v:String):void
  _URL = v;

List with custom renderer:
 <label id="URL" />
 <imageLoader id="thubmUrl" />
I have two solutions for this issue: 
  1. create new list class derived from UIList (or UIListHorizontal) and override it's fillInValues method to directly cast model to appropriate class and set the values of properties. Such custom list could take a delegate function, which knows details of model type.
  2. create new object with dynamic properties, which corresponds to typed model:
    protected static function imageListToArray(list: IList): Array
     var images: Array = new Array();
     for (var i:int = 0; i < list.length; ++i )
      var image: GalleryImage = GalleryImage(list[i]);
       URL: image.URL,
       thumbURL: image.thumbURL,
       selected: image.selected
     return images;
    // ... some code ...
    public function set dataProvider(value:IList):void 
     // UIList doesn't recognize user-defined properties
     _dgThumbnails.data = imageListToArray(value);
First solution forces you to reimplement internals of MadComponents, which is not great in the case internals will be modified later. Second solution depends only on public interface of UIList, but requires twice (roughly) as much memory for model objects. So it's your decision, which solution to choose.

You cannot access children views in Mediator.onRegister()

This problem appears when you want access view's children within onRegister() function of view's mediator. But why? It happens because the mediator is created right after view's ADDED_TO_STAGE event is fired. However MadComponents contaiers are added to it's parent display list in the first line of it's constructor, and after that children creation takes place - so mediator is created between those two phases. I've met this problem in GalleryLabelMediator.

override public function onRegister():void
    addContextListener(GallerySearchEvent.SEARCH, handleSearch );

    view.text = "interestingness";
Here mediator tries to access view's label text, but it doesn't exist at the time of onRegister() call.
To handle this you should consider to perform initialization step of view inside view's constructor using data, passed from mediator.
package org.robotlegs.demos.imagegallery.views.components.mad 
 import com.danielfreeman.extendedMadness.UIPanel;
 import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.Attributes;
 import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.UI;
 import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.UILabel;
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.events.Event;
 import flash.text.TextFormat;
 import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
 import org.robotlegs.demos.imagegallery.views.components.api.IGalleryLabel;
  * @author Bohdan Makohin
 public class GalleryLabel extends UIPanel implements IGalleryLabel 
  private var _text: String;
  private var _label: UILabel;
  protected const LAYOUT: XML =
    <label id="label" alignH="right">
     <font color="#ffffff" size="12"><b></b></font>
  public function GalleryLabel(screen:Sprite, xml:XML, attributes:Attributes=null, row:Boolean=false, inGroup:Boolean=false) 
   super(screen, LAYOUT, attributes, row, inGroup);
   _label = UILabel(findViewById("label"));
   _label.text = _text;
  public function get text():String 
   return _text;
  public function set text(value:String):void 
   _text = value;
   if (_label)
    _label.text = _text;
  public function setVisibility(visibility :Boolean):void 
   this.visible = this._inGroup = visibility ;

Instead of conclusions

Compile and try

"Madcomponents-robotlegs-FlickrGalleryNoMeta" is hosted at BitBucket mercurial repository. You could clone the repo or download archive with sources. If you want to compile project by yourself, you may use FlashDevelop's project file. For those, who want just to play with application, I've uploaded the swf file, built with AIR 3.4. It could be opened in latest flash player (in order to activate layoutб resize application window a bit after opening  the player). The execution of swf within your Flash Player could be interrupted with policy errors - it's due to cross-domain request to Flickr.

I was lazy

I was lazy to achieve same look-and-feel as in original app. Therefore I've omitted to implement nice tweening effect for image switching - just utilized standard UIImageLoader component. Besides that I had hard time with skinning thumbnails list (UIListHorizontal) at the bottom, so it doesn't have background and proper selection illumination. 


It was my first try to integrate RobotLegs with MadComponents. And I liked it. Despite MadComponents has some minor drawbacks (lack of data binding, inflexible component lifetime) it stands alone in the area of fast, lightweight and comprehensive UI frameworks for mobile via Adobe AIR. As far as I know, Daniel Freeman is going to release new major version of the library, which will take advantage of Stage3D and direct rendering mode.

Summing up

If you was doubt about using RobotLegs with MadComponents, I'd rather you to hurry up and evaluate this post in terms of your requirements. But if you prefer stay away, then you should know that I'm going to prepare new article with more in-depth dive into mobile development with MadComponents and RobotLegs.


Content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license.

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  • Text of this article was typed in Sublime Text 2
  • Package diagrams were created in UMLet
  • Images were edited and composed in GIMP

1 коментар:

  1. Great article! I'm looking forward to the next one. It would likely help the integration of MadComponents and Robotlegs if we could make a few modifications to the framework, and write some "hooks" inside MadComponents classes. (Maybe fire an event to signify when components are added within a container, etc.).

    To recycle memory, MadComponents has the capability to dynamically instantiate pages as they're needed, and dispose of them when the user is not viewing them. For example:-

    <tabPages lazyRender="true" recycle="true">

    ... it would be nice if robotlegs could work with this scheme. Also <longList recycle="true"> where list rows are recycled.

    I'm looking forward to the next article.
